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Payroll services from JMT Accountancy Limited

Comprehensive Payroll Service


Administering your business payroll is also a time consuming, business-critical requirement, particularly when it comes to payroll, PAYE/PRSI and revenue requirements.


The experienced team at JMT Accountancy Limited can look after this complex aspect of your business with accuracy, confidence and efficiency.

Our comprehensive payroll service allows you to focus on the revenue generating activities of your business, safe in the knowledge that your payroll and all associated reporting, is up to date, confidential, meticulously compliant and on-time, every time.

Streamlined Approach


JMT Accountancy Limited keeps abreast of all payroll compliance requirements and is pleased to liaise with our clients and Revenue to ensure timely returns for Payroll submissions. Our fully streamlined approach to this important aspect of your business saves time and money.

We provide the following services:

Payroll, Payslips:

Using an integrated accounting system, payroll is generated and paid, with payslips issued promptly and accurately, whether your payroll is monthly or weekly.

Calculating deductions, additions and extras: 

We are pleased to correctly process any of the myriads of additions and deductions that can occur with a modern workforce prior to issuing payslips.

From Benefit in Kind, from sick pay to overtime and holiday pay, we can assist in all payroll associated calculations.  

PAYE Modernisation:


PAYE modernisation has allowed for Payroll to be reported in real time to HMRC.

As the adaption to a more transparent and integrated system is now in place, we provide real time reporting and ensure payroll is submitted in accordance with Revenue guidelines.

Historical Reporting:  


With our integrated payroll accounting system, we can access and provide a range of historical Payroll reports as and when they may be needed.

© 2020 JMT Accountancy Limited

JMT Accountancy Limited​

Tel: 01782756730
Address​​​​​​Suite G45, The Old Town Hall

3 Gimson Street, Fenton

Stoke on Trent, ST4 3FF

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